5th Sunday Easter

Jesus said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine-grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit ( Jn 15: 1 -2)

Having lived surrounded by a vineyard for seven years, I have some understanding of the rhythm of the vine.

When the vine is most beautiful, it is most vulnerable!

Having produced its summer crop of fruit and with a cool change in the autumn climes, the luxuriant green leaves begin to change colour.

The vines change to a multi-coloured vista of reds, browns, burnt orange, and yellow.

The nuisance is that this change in colour says spectacularly, “I am dying.”

Death is so beautifully colourful!


The sharp blade of the pruning shears hurries this death.

And what is cut is determined by another!

The reality that I have borne plentiful fruit this season does not mean I will spared from the pruning shear!

The vine gains nurture and nourishment from the soil, filling its berries to ripeness and fullness, only to be cut once. It then spends time colouring itself in the warmth of autumn hues, only to be cut again.

And quite possibly thrown away.

It is just not fair.